Monday, April 25, 2011

Proper Pricing is Sooooo Important!

We had 2 of our listings sell in the past week or so, each with their own "pricing" story that you might learn something from.
The first went on the market on a Thursday. It had 4 showings over the weekend and 2 offers. By Tuesday it was under contract. It was a cute home, in nice condition, and priced right. They didn't have it priced high to see if they could catch someone, then if not lower it in a while. That tactic just wastes time and gives your house a negative spin. They did their homework and priced it right from the start.
The second home I'm using as an example was, again, a very nice house. The owners were in no huge rush to move, so they priced it where they hoped against hope they'd get a buyer. After much time passed with lookers and no offers they did a drastic price reduction. We cancelled out their old listing, and put it in fresh with some new words, some new photos, but most importantly a new price. Within 10 days they, too, were under contract.
The moral of the story is that there ARE buyers out there. Every hit your property gets on, and every family that comes to see your home IS a buyer. If you don't capture them because your home is priced too high it's just a waste. You don't have your home on the market just to meet new and interesting people. You want to get it SOLD!
Check for homes currently on the market so you can see what your competition is. Sign up for email alerts (link to this found on our home page) to find out when new listings come on the market so you can keep an eye on pricing trends.
We also have an arrangement with an appraiser to do a Certified Appraisal on your home for only $250. This is a good savings, and will give you a sense of what a buyer would find when having your home appraised for their mortgage. Find out if you're on the mark or way off base.
Send us any questions you have, and let us know if we can help!